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Client partnership supports School cycling initiative

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Aiden Collins from Beckstone Primary School, Workington is presented with his winning entry and a brand new bike courtesy of Dutton International

As mentioned previously on the Dutton International blog; we have been supporting one of our Clients Willmott Dixon in their endeavors across the country to support communities in areas in which they are working. This week (and just in time for Christmas) we have donated bicycles, as promised, to the winners of a road safety campaign run by Willmott Dixon in schools in Cumbria and Essex. Schoolchildren were tasked with creating road safety posters and the winning artists were chosen and prizes awarded.

Revington Junior School, Essex

St Marys Junior School, Essex

SJSC Junior School, Essex


Melanie Watson, Senior Customer and Community Officer for Willmott Dixon said:

Communities are at the heart of all of our projects
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