Quick-fire Q&A - Sophie O'nion
11th February 2020

Sophie is a Recruitment Consultant for our Sheffield Nursing and Medical team. Her day to day role consists of supervising payroll, overseeing compliance and ensuring effective communication with clients and candidates while coordinating the rota.
1. What was your first ever job?
I worked at KFC while at sixth form which was interesting - you don’t want to know how they make their gravy!
2. How long have you been in recruitment?
Well, I’m a newbie... my previous roles have covered a variety of skills that are relevant to recruitment, and it was a career move I was excited to make!
3. What's your favourite thing about the industry?
The fast-paced work environment, it's non-stop and always on the go
4. ...and what’s your least favourite thing?
I think the biggest adjustment is the non-stop nature of the industry. Getting woken up at 4am when on-call is still a struggle...but needs must!
5. What made you want to join Dutton Recruitment?
I knew that I wouldn’t get bored, that I would be tested and so that I could try and progress and be a part of a fast-growing company
6. What's something you can't live without at work?
Working with people that can have a laugh!
7. Tea or Coffee?
Tea, strong, no sugar.
8. What’s your favourite thing to do outside of work?
To appear on game shows!
9. What is your main goal at Dutton Recruitment?
To progress and learn as much as possible and move up within the company.
10. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?
Somewhere really, really hot because I’m sick of being cold!! Or New York again so I can go shopping...
To find out more about Sophie or to see what she can do for you and your business - get in touch! Her email address is sophie.onion@duttonrecruitment.com.
11th February 2020