Quick-fire Q&A - Louis White
4th February 2020

This week we’re talking to Louis White, a Resourcer from our Sheffield Engineering team. His previous recruitment experience was in the Logistics and Industrial sector, but interests lay in Engineering, so we were happy to facilitate this change. He’s excited to increase his understanding of the sector and work his way up to become a Consultant!
1. What was your first ever job?
From leaving school, I started a Barbering apprenticeship for 2 years before I became qualified and did this full-time.
2. How long have you been in recruitment?
Over a year now.
3. What's your favourite thing about the industry?
The rewards that are available for doing a good job, and the satisfaction of placing candidates into roles that further their career.
4. ...and what’s your least favourite thing?
I say this lightly - but it has to be Candidates letting you down when you have tried your best to help them get back into work.
5. What made you want to join Dutton Recruitment?
I had heard of Dutton Recruitment prior to me joining for being a fast-growing company. When I saw an advert for a job opening, I felt it would be a great next step to further my career in Recruitment!
6. What's something you can't live without at work?
A Coffee first thing in the morning, also a good friendly office where you can have a laugh while working.
7. Tea or Coffee?
8. What’s your favourite thing to do outside of work?
To watch the best football team in Sheffield - of course, I’m on about Sheffield Wednesday!!
9. What is your main goal at Dutton Recruitment?
To continue learning the intricacies of the Engineering Sector and become a Recruitment Consultant.
10. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be and why?
Las Vegas is somewhere I’ve always wanted to go so definitely there, hopefully, I’ll be going at the end of the year!
To find out more about Louis or how he can help you or your business, get in touch - louis.white@duttonrecruitment.com.
4th February 2020