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Branch-Watch - Cardiff

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Branch-Watch - Cardiff

Cardiff is one of our oldest branches, with its beginnings all the way back in 1998, operating out of a ‘home office’. Taking advantage of the need for quality Engineering and Trades recruitment in the South of Wales, this office grew very quickly.

As each respective industry grew, our reputation as a company for quality engineering and trades labour helped this branch continue to grow. We grew in personnel, and (of course) into a bigger office!

In 2011, our current branch manager Gareth Stevens joined the branch. He initially joined as a Technical Recruiter and was central to the development of the Engineering work of the branch. Having specialised in Steel Works personnel, the branch now diversified into off-shore engineering work and shutdowns.

Despite it’s growth from humble beginnings, it is actually this section of the branch’s history that is most significant. This diversification moved the branch to a new level and allowed us to serve even more clients on even more projects. It helped it become what it is today – one of our strongest and fastest growing branches.

Now still specialising in all forms of engineering recruitment, and doing some Trades & Labour too, this branch produces fantastic results and is showing no sign of slowing down!




Want to work with this branch or find out more?

Call 01443 844477 or Email

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